Kelli Paulson Horsemanship
Horsemanship Clinics: Groundwork,Horsemanship, Trail Obstacles, Dressage for Western Riders,Working Equitation
Contact Kelli to book an event for 2018!

Horsemanship Clinics and Camps: Groundwork, Bombproofing, Trail Obstacles, Foundation Horsemanship, Horsemanship I, Western Dressage Clinic Info Event Calendar Riding Lessons: At Kelli's (between Herman and Tekamah) At South Creek Stables (a mile north of Blair, indoor arena) Kelli also makes house calls!

Trail Rider Challenge A fun and challenging competition designed to produce a willing, confident, well trained horse.
My goal with horses is to have a confident, willing partner who is a joy to ride, whose feet are directable, and we are prepared for any situation. Once we are prepared, we set goals and practice. That allows us to accomplish more than we ever imagined with our horse.
By using foundation horsemanship and trail obstacles our horses become confident, willing and directable.

Cowgirl Dressage
The next step is Western Dressage. Here our horses become forward, accurate, and truly collected. It's time to add finesse, elegance, grace and beauty to our partnership!
A finished horse.
Natural horsemanship gives us great concepts. We must take those concepts and practice with direction and intention to have a finished horse, a bridle horse or an enjoyable, happy horse.
Horsemanship is unique in that you can always learn more. No one knows it all. We are all learning each day. Cowgirl (Western) Dressage will guide you on your journey to accomplish more than you ever imagined.
~ Kelli
Teaching natural horsemanship methods proven to create safe and willing horses.
Mother's Day Clinic 2009 Click on photo to view photo album.
Teaching natural horsemanship methods proven to create safe and willing horses is our goal.
Is your horse willing and confident? Would you like it to be? We host trail obstacle course events called Trail Rider Challenges and clinics.
Accomplish more with your horse than you ever imagined.
Kelli Paulson is a horse trainer and clincian in the Omaha, Elkhorn, Tekamah, Blair, Nebraska and Council Bluffs, Sioux City, Iowa area. Kelli specializes in using Natural Horsemanship and Dressage to create safe and willing horses. She helps you and your horse communicate together, your horse to trust you and to become true partners. True horsemanship is simple and without gadgets.
Riding lessons are available. Kelli Horsemanship Clinics help you learn and apply natural horsemanship methods in a safe and effective manner. Clinic include ground manners, ground work, horsemanship, trail obstacles, and more. Custom clinics and demonstrations available. Kelli Horsemanship hosts events that promote horsemanship, safety and good family fun. Some of the events are Trail Rider Challenge, Western Dressage, Cowgirl Camps, and Horsemanship Clinics.
Kelli has the experience and patience to help you reach your horsemanship goals. Contact Kelli to find out how her horse training services can benefit you.
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Mid States Ranch Horses, LLC
Kelli Paulson Horsemanship is proud to be a REGIONAL AMBASSADOR for Purina Mills