HOST A CLINIC! Clinics at Kelli's or your location. Discounts for 4-H groups.
Call Kelli: 402-889-6042 or email.
By starting at the bottom of the triangle and working upward we can accomplish your goals!
First, we want to be able to do these things. Second, we want to practice and do them well. Finally, we want to accomplish and do them with finesse!
FROM THE GROUND ROUNDPEN: Walk, trot, lope with relaxed, balanced gaits, Hooking-On GROUNDWORK: Person directs the horse’s feet, Horse follows a feel, Horse respects space, manners DESPOOKING: Horse learns to think not react IN-HAND TRAIL: Builds trust, willingness, try and confidence
RIDING: FOUNDATIN SKILLS / DIRECTING THE FEET HIND QUARTERS: Direct the hindquarters and one-rein stops FORWARD AND RELAXED: Horse should go forward freely and relaxed FRONT QUARTERS: Direct the front feet and pivots HALTS AND TRANSITIONS SIDEPASSING BACKING: Back in straight lines and circles
RIDING: TRAIL OBSTACLES CROSSING OVER/THROUGH: Willingly cross tarps, bridges and water. Go through cowboy curtains MANUEVERS: Back through L’s and Z’s, Sidepass logs, L’s and Z’s CARRYING and DRAGGING: Carry slickers and various items. Drag logs, branches and tires JUMPING WESTERN
RIDING: WESTERN DRESSAGE FORWARD: Moving forward freely with energy coming from hindquarters RELAXATION and RYTHMN BALANCE: Horse learns to balance naturally at walk, trot and lope traveling straight and in circles. PERCISION: Riding with accuracy. Straight lines and circles COLLECTION: Willingly moving from the hindquarters with impulsion, trust and confidence
To register for or to host a clinic email or call Kelli at 402-889-6042.
Clinic hosts wanted! Contact Kelli to schedule a clinic.
Any level or discipline of horse and rider are welcome.
Visit Event Calendar for clinic schedule
Groundwork is the foundation of having a respectful, responsive horse. After all, the horse you lead is the horse you ride.
Groundwork clinics are 2 -3 hours in length and may include round pen work and/or in-hand trail obstacles such as tarps and bridges.
Bring a rope halter and 12-foot lead.
De-Spooking Clinics include ground work and teaches you and your horse how to be scared. We use tarps, bridges, flags, bags, ropes and other items to help you and your horse grow in confidence.
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Horsemanship Clinics start with the basics that every horse and rider should have for any discipline. Once the horse and rider have a solid foundation we build on that foundation and work on skills such as: * 180 and 360 degree turns (haunches and forehand) * Mounting, dismounting * Sidepassing * Balanced Stops * Transitions * Backing willing, straight and in circles * Collection * Leads and lead changes
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Trail Obstacle Clinics increase the confidence on the horse and rider. Brush up your skills and learn to negotiate the basic kinds of trail obstacles: despooking, crossing, dragging, carrying and maneuvering.
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This clinic varies by the problems presented. Topics such as Trailer Loading, lead issues, backing, fears and more.
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SAVE FUEL! A riding club designed to build your confidence by teaching YOU the skills that YOU to enjoy your horse more, your horse to trust YOU, to solve problems, and to bond with your horse. Custom designed for your group. At your arena or barn. Minimum of 6 riders. Contact Kelli for details: 402-889-6042 or Email Kelli
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Cost may vary slightly due to travel and arena costs. 6 person minimum within 100 miles of Omaha, NE 8 person minimum more than 100 miles from Omaha, NE
The following is a guideline:
One day clinic: 3 hour clinic $60 per person 5 hour clinic $95 per person
Two day clinic: 2 - 3 hour sessions $120 per person 2 - 5 hour sessions $185 per person
Longer clinics available. Contact Kelli for details.
Horsemanship Clinic Summer 2007