Trail Rider Challenge 2009

Xtreme Saddle Series Final Results 1. Josh Rushing (Mini) - 325.4 2. Dana Kesselring - 317.7 3. Josh Rushing (Shadow) - 304.4 4. Mark Foust - 303.4 5. Louise McCall - 274.9 6. Julie Rouse (TC) - 246.5 7. Deb Kuhn - 235 8. Kelly Anderson - 218.9

2009 Trail Rider Challenge Results
Youth 1. Cody Honeysuckle - 230 pts, 3 races 2. MeMe Palmquist - 185.5, 2 races 3. Ronny Lewis - 162.5, 2 races 4. MeMe Palmquist - 156.6, 2 races 5. Ashley Smith - 144, 2 races
Trail Rider Challenge 1. Josh Rushing, Shadow - 312.1 pts 2. Dana Kesselring, Magic - 308.4 3. Josh Rushing, Mini - 306.6 4. Louise McCall - 277.4 5. Tina Roth - 266.4 6. Mark Foust - 248.4 7. Deb Kuhn - 247 8. Kelly Anderson - 232.4
2009 Xtreme Saddle Series Results
Youth 1. Cody Honeysuckle - 230 pts, 3 races 2. MeMe Palmquist - 185.5, 2 races 3. Ronny Lewis - 162.5, 2 races 4. MeMe Palmquist - 156.6, 2 races 5. Ashley Smith - 144, 2 races
Trail Rider Challenge 1. Josh Rushing, Shadow - 312.1 pts 2. Dana Kesselring, Magic - 308.4 3. Josh Rushing, Mini - 306.6 4. Louise McCall - 277.4 5. Tina Roth - 266.4 6. Mark Foust - 248.4 7. Deb Kuhn - 247 8. Kelly Anderson - 232.4
Xtreme Saddle Series 1. Josh Rushing (Mini) - 325.4 2. Dana Kesselring - 317.7 3. Josh Rushing (Shadow) - 304.4 4. Mark Foust - 303.4 5. Louise McCall - 274.9 6. Julie Rouse (TC) - 246.5 7. Deb Kuhn - 235 8. Kelly Anderson - 218.9
Sandi and Tony Winton, professional photographers, took photos of the Trail Rider Challenge and Xtreme Saddle Series. Photos from June 13 July 11 and August 1TRC: Winton Photography
2009 Xtreme Saddle Series
Each event has 3 divisions: Youth, Trail Rider (confidence building, scored not timed) and Xtreme Saddle Series (scored and timed).
June 13: Kick-off Event at Five Star Stable, Bennington, NE July 11: Special Rookie Division August 1: Special over 50 division September 26: Special Colt division (2 and 3 year old) October 24: Final Round and Awards Party
Custom Trophy Saddle from Bronco Billys! More details below.
June 13th Results Youth 1. Ashley Smith 2. Ronnie Lewis 3. Coday Huneysuckle
Trail Rider Challenge 1. Toni Hummel 2. Colleen Hamer 3. Louis McCall 4. Shelly Henderson 5. Dana Kesselring 6. Mark Foust 7. Jodi Hansen 8. Deb Kuhn 9. Tina Roth 10. Betty Smith
Xtreme Saddle Series 1. Dana Kesselring 2. Kyle Stanley 3. Colleen Hamer 4. Joel Yandell 5. Shelly Henderson 6. Ronny Lewis 7. Mark Foust 8. Louis McCall 9. Kara Mehaffey 10. Jodi Hansen
July 11th Results Youth 1. Ronnie Lewis 2. Vanessa Polly 3. Cody Honeysuckle 4. Ashley Smith 5. Aspen Rouse
Trail Rider Challenge 1. Dana Kesselring 2. Louise McCall 3. Felica Polly 4. Toni Hummel 5. Julie Rouse 6. Kelly Anderson 7. Deb Kuhn 8. Mark Foust 9. Tina Roth 10. Kelli Sedlacek
Rookie Division 1. Julie Rouse 2. Michelle Anderson 3. Kelli Sedlacek 4. Pam Coughlin 5. Peachie Hunt 6. Tammy Magathan 7. Sandra McNiff
Xtreme Saddle Series 1. Dana Kesselring 2. Louise McCall 3. Mark Foust 4. Ronnie Lewis 5. Kara Mehaffy 6. Kyle Stanley 7. Toni Hummel 8. Jennifer Kallstrom 9. Felicia Polly 10. Deb Kuhn
August 1st Results Beginner Youth 1. Bailey Donovan 2. Italia Rouse
Youth 1. Kate Bonham 2. Sierra McMains 3. Hallie Paulson 4. Grace Graham 5. Aspen Rouse
Trail Rider Challenge 1. Josh Rushing (mule) 2. Josh Rushing (horse) 3. Dana Kesselring 4. Louise McCall 5. Mark Foust 6. Kelly Anderson 7. Julie Rouse 8. Tracy Price 9. Susan Nicely 10. Debra Kuhn
Over 50 Division 1. Louise McCall 2. Tracy Price 3. Debra Kuhn 4. Kelli Sedlacek 5. Robin Nore
Xtreme Saddle Series 1. Dana Kesselring 2. Josh Rushing (horse) 3. Mark Foust 4. Josh Rushing (mule) 5. Julie Rouse 6. Julie Rouse 7. Louise McCall 8. Debra Kuhn 9. Kelli Anderson
September 26, 2009 Results Beginner Youth 1. Parx Kesselring 2. Italia Rouse 3. Bailey Donovan
Youth 1. MeMe Palmonist 2. Cody Honeysuckle 3. Aspen Rouse 4. MeMe Palmonist 5. Grace Graham
Colt Division 1. Dana Kesselring 2. Dana Kesselring 3. Kara Mehaffey 4. Tera Lovel 5. Jodi Hansen
Trail Rider Challenge 1. Josh Rushing (mule) 2. Josh Rushing (horse) 3. Dana Kesselring 4. Julie Rouse 5. Dana Kesselring 6. Jennifer Kallstrom 7. Louise McCall 8. Mark Foust 9. Kara Mehaffey 10. Kelli Anderson
Xtreme Saddle Series 1. Josh Rushing (Shadow) 2. Josh Rushing (Mini) 3. Mark Foust 4. Julie Rouse (BJ) 5. Louise McCall 6. Dana Kesselring 7. Julie Rouse (TC) 8. Kelly Anderson 9. Roger Pulste 10. Debra Kuhn
October 24/31, 2009 Results Beginner Youth 1. Bailey Donovan
Youth 1. MeMe Palmonist 2. MeMe Palmonist 3. Hallie Paulson 4. Cody Honeysuckle 5. Grace Graham
Trail Rider Challenge 1. Josh Rushing 2. Josh Rushing 3. Dana Kesselring 4. Jennifer Kallstrom 5. Tina Roth 6. Deb Kuhn 7. Kara Mehaffey
Xtreme Saddle Series 1. Josh Rushing (Mini) 2. Josh Rushing (Shadow) 3. Mark Foust 4. Dana Kesselring 5. Deb Kuhn
2009 Xtreme Saddle Series Each event has 3 divisions: Youth, Trail Rider (confidence building, scored not timed) and Xtreme Saddle Series (scored and timed).
June 13: Kick-off Event at Five Star Stable, Bennington, NE --- more info below July 11: Special Rookie Division August 1: Special over 50 division September 26: Special Colt division (2 and 3 year old) October 24: Final Round and Awards Party
Custom Trophy Saddle from Bronco Billys! More details below.
The Trail Rider Challenge Saddle Series – Is Here!
Are you a Trail Rider looking for fun? Are you a thrill seeker looking for adventure? Are looking to meet and hang out with horse people? This is for YOU!
Is this the summer that you will become a true partner with your horse? It is time. This is the path. The Trail Rider Challenge is the event for you!
This event will give you the opportunity to set some new fun goals and maybe win some money and prizes too. The Trail Rider division is about having fun and building confidence. The Xtreme Saddle Series division is about challenging you and your horse to new levels. It is an encouraging, supportive group of people who want to learn and challenge themselves. Your horse will love it.
What is the Trail Rider Challenge (TRC)? A TRC is a unique event that encourages you and your horse to develop a partnership based on trust while having fun and meeting other horse people. Your partnership is then scored on an obstacle course designed to challenge your skills at all levels. The obstacles are designed to simulate trail situations. Come join us for some fun packed days!
The CHALLENGE may include: Opening and closing a gate, crossing logs, dragging an object, roping a stationary steer, moving cattle (Xtreme), loading into a trailer, crossing obstacle (bridge, water, ditch or tarp), hills and ravines, carry an item, backing, pivots, sidepassing and small jumps. It is designed to Challenge your horse! All levels of riders are welcome as well as everyday horses, trail horses, roping horses, performance horses, show horses and jumping horses.
Clinics and practices are available to help you prepare. We will teach you how to complete the obstacles and help you overcome your fears. The obstacle will be demonstrated and the task broken into steps. You will be taught the steps and you can practice completing the obstacle. We will take the time to help you and your horse get it right. You can do it!
Why ride in a Trail Rider Challenge (TRC)? TRC’s are open to any horse and any rider. Although registration papers are not required and all horses are welcome, the event is approved for points through most breed associations including the APHA PAC program. It is not a fancy event but requires safe and functional tack and clothing. By the end of the season you will have a happier, more confident, willing horse. The atmosphere is non-threatening and supportive. We are all there to have fun, learn, meet other horse people and improve our horse.
TRC Participant Interviews Interview 1: Kara, a rider who has been competing in TRCs since 2006. She was the 2008 high-point rider. What has TRC done for you? When I went to my first Trail Rider Challenge in 2006, Bart (my horse) was scared of everything, bucked often and was dangerous. I saw something I wanted to be a part of and decided to stick with it. Bart and I attended several clinics and riding classes. As we learned to communicate and do the trail obstacles his confidence increased. As he learned to try and became willing the bucking and bad behavior went away. He became mentally engaged and now looks forward to going riding. My confidence and skill level grew also. Why should others give TRC a try? I have seen the changes that it produces in other horses, not only my own. I have brought friends along with me. I see a positive change in their horses also. Horses get bored doing the same thing over and over. It is a great opportunity to give arena horses something refreshing to do. It gives trail horses a challenge. The TRC changes every time. The horse doesn’t get bored. He seems to enjoy it. It develops the horses ability to think, encourages the horse to try and to be willing.
Interview 2: Vic, comments from a rider after her first TRC. What an incredible day. The things I thought -"no way", we did. It's the best money I've spent - the cheapest training venue I've seen, the most bang for the buck, the most rider-friendly despite my fears. At lunch I felt like I was truly sitting in their living room, and that they were there to help me with my horsemanship goals. By the way, the woman that won today is a new friend of mine. She came into this competition/trail obstacle course last year - in her words, "hangin onto the horn with both hands"' riding a rank, disrespectful, dangerous horse. She walked away today with the check. This is riding in real life. What a rush.
A recent email from a clinic participant: Hey Kelli, I had a total blast May 9th at your place riding and going through the course. It was my first time there and in one afternoon my confidence in my horse and myself grew by leaps and bounds.(*we will get that water crossing next time! :) Thanks for helping me and my horse become even better partners and for providing such a wonderful environment to do that in. Much thanks. Michelle
A Trail Obstacle Clinic with Purina Ambassador Kelli Paulson will be held in conjunction with the Kickoff Event at Five Star Stables. It is from 10:00-11:30am. Cost $10. Please pre-register as space is limited.
The Purina Belt Buckle Kick Off June 13th, 2009
Ride in the 2009 Trail Rider Challenge Saddle Series! 5 Events will be held with prizes and jackpot money ($1200 estimated payback at each event based on 60 riders) at each event. The 2009 High Point Rider receives a custom trophy saddle! The sum of the top 3 scores from each horse and rider team count towards year-end awards in all divisions and the trophy saddle for the Xtreme division.
Three divisions will be at each event and have year-end prizes. The Trail Rider Division is scored, not timed, non-competitive and confidence building. The Saddle Series Division is scored, timed, competitive and challenging. The Youth Division is for 18 and under. The Youth division at the Kickoff Event will have 3 options. Beginner youth can enter a very simple walk trot class in the arena. Beginner youth cannot compete on the other courses. The regular youth division will be held on the Trail Rider course. Youth may also enter the Xtreme Saddle Series and compete with the adults. Horses may see a course only once. At the Kickoff event there will be two courses so you may try both the Xtreme and Trail Rider Course. The exception is the beginner youth course. A safe horse is welcome to give multiple kids a good ride. Competition begins at 1:00 pm. Later events will host special classes such as Over 50, In-hand and Colt Classes. Check the web site.
Prizes at the Kickoff Event: The Xtreme Saddle Series division winner will receive a custom trophy buckle by Kathy’s Custom Buckles. The Trail Rider division winner will receive an American West fully tooled planner binder. The jackpot will pay out 5 places in both divisions. The winner of the youth division will also receive a trophy buckle. The Beginner youth division will have trophies. Each division will also have trophies, ribbons and various prizes.
About 6:00 (after the competition) a Purina Mills Horse Owners Workshop (H.O.W. Meeting) will be hosted by Northwest Feed & Grain and Washco Feed and Supply. Entertainment will be provided by Purina Ambassador Mark Lyon and his Mustang Christian. Chris Ludlow will present an Equine Nutrition Session while the results of the day’s competition are tallied. The day will conclude with an awards presentation, dinner and music.
Spectators for the day are $10 including the evening meal. Purina customers watch your mailbox for a postcard good for free admission and special offers. You may also visit Northwest Feed & Grain or Washco to pickup a postcard for free admission.
Entries are limited to 50 riders per course. Call and reserve your spot! Riders who register by June 6 will be eligible for a drawing for feed and prizes. Registration forms, more information and how-to articles are on the web site: www.TrailRiderChallenge.com.
You can do more with your horse than you ever imagined! Clinics are now being offered. Contact Kelli to host a clinic in your area. A complete schedule can found online at: www.trailriderchallenge.com or you may call Kelli Paulson at 402-889-6042. The Trail Rider Challenge events are sponsored by: Kelli Paulson, Mid States Ranch Horses, LLC, Purina and Bronco Billy’s. If you would like to be a sponsor please call Kelli.
Kelli Paulson is a Purina Regional Ambassador. Kelli uses Strategy in her training program because it keeps her horses in top condition while maintaining stable, easy to work with temperaments. Her goal is teaching natural horsemanship methods proven to create safe and willing horses by providing you and your horse with tools, knowledge and events that turn every ride into a confidence building, positive situation. Mid States Ranch Horses, LLC offers training (problem solving, family and trail horses), lessons, Trail Rider Challenge’s, and Authentic Horsemanship Clinics. Visit www.midstatesranchhorses.com or call 402-889-6042 for more information.